Samsung x Paul Milinski

Paul Milinski is a visionary digital artist and the creative force behind Milinski Studio, a platform that transcends traditional art boundaries to offer transformative experiences in both digital and physical realms.

With exhibitions across international galleries, Paul's work doesn't just occupy space; it transforms it. His pieces are celebrated for their technical prowess, emotional resonance, and distinct intellectual depth that captures ideas often beyond the reach of conventional imagination. 


Poses a thought-provoking inquiry: Can our technological advancements propel us further into our natural environments rather than away from them? This artwork challenges the traditional dichotomy between technology and the natural world, suggesting a symbiotic relationship where innovation acts as a conduit to deeper environmental connection and appreciation. It prompts us to reconsider how we employ our tools and inventions, envisioning a future where technology enhances our engagement with the natural world, facilitating moments of stillness, escape, and breath. Through this unique juxtaposition of a vibrant escalator set against a serene forest backdrop, the piece invites viewers to explore the potential of technology to not only coexist with but also celebrate and protect the richness of our natural surroundings.

A GATHERING OF SHADE - Edition of 2500

I've loved the rain and stormy weather for as long as I can recall. When I was young, I remember waking to the sound of rain outside my bedroom window. For some reason, it gave me energy. It inspired me to get out of bed and take on the day. There's just something special about it. It's like a burst of energy or a sign that it will be a good day. That feeling hasn't changed for me today; I still love rain the same way.

Whenever it starts pouring, I can't help but stop whatever I'm doing to listen and watch. I'm mesmerised by it. I don't want to miss a second because it's so calming.

This artwork, "A Gathering Of Shade," is set on a bright sunny day at the beach. However, I like to bring my umbrellas to any occasion as they remind me of the serene beauty and comforting presence of rain.

CLIFFSIDE CASCADE - Edition of 500

Delicately unfurls the story of nature's elegance through an ethereal silk cascade that gently flows down a rugged cliffside. This artwork is a testament to the beauty of the fusion of the tangible and the imagined. 'Cliffside Cascade' subtly prompts us to consider how art can capture and reinterpret the majesty of natural phenomena. It transforms our understanding and appreciation of the world around us. With its soft, fluid motion against the stoic cliff, the silk cascade evokes a sense of wonder and contemplation about the delicate balance between strength and grace in the natural world.

I have been crafting the Synthetic series for many years. It encapsulates years of exploration, learning, and growth. It embodies my belief in art's power to transform, enlighten, and enrich our lives. I'm incredibly humbled to share a part of the Synthetic series.


